Smith & Wesson 617, 10shot

S&W 617 4" 10 shooter in .22lr

The K-Frame revolver is one of the most important innovations in Smith & Wesson history and was built specifically to handle the .38 S&W Special cartridge. Since its introduction in 1899, the K-Frame has been a favorite for military and police professionals as well as target shooters and enthusiasts. Today’s K-Frame is available in .22 LR, .357 Magnum and .38 S&W Special.

Smith and Wesson

Smith & Wesson 617 .22lr

S&W 617 – Technische Daten

  • Trommelkapazität: 10 Patronen .22lr
  • Lauflänge: 4″
  • K – Rahmen
  • Abzug: SA / DA
  • Material: Stainless Steel – matt

der 617er bei Smith & Wesson

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